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Welcome to your school!

Visit your school pages and find out about who we are, what we do and what we are planning for the school community. Keep in touch!

Recent Articles

  • Turin Erasmus Mobility...

    Five students recently participated in an Erasmus mobility program in Turin, where they engaged in workshops focused on sustainability and the importance of reducing food waste. During their time there, the students learned practical strategies for making eco-friendly choices in daily life, as well as …

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  • Vegetarian Advocacy Video...

    The students attending the Erasmus activities were given a summer task entitled the Vegetarian Advocacy Video. The students were asked to create a persuasive video promoting the importance of vegetarianism among teenagers, highlighting its benefits for health, the environment, and animal welfare. All submitted …

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  • Performing Arts Club...

    If you are interested in joining this club, contact Ms Rose Ann Gatt or Mr Alan Camilleri (Staffroom 5) Continue Reading
  • Batteries for Hospice schools compe...

    We thank you so much for participating in the first Batteries for Hospice school competition! Thanks to all of you we collected 3,155kg of batteries throughout the competition period.

    On behalf of GreenPak and Hospice Malta, we truly appreciate your enthusiastic participation in this collective effort …

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  • Creative Club...

    Come and join us during the mid-day break. We will meet on Mondays and Thursdays in the Home Economics Lab M22. Creative-Club-Flyer_animatedDownload Continue Reading