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Activities to Promote Healthy Eating

  • A talk was held regarding nutrients. This included information on the profiles of Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates. Students were able to understand the difference between simple sugars and complex sugars, protein from different sources such as animals and plants and fats which come from poly-unsaturated, trans- fats, mono-unsaturated fats and saturated fats.
  • Activity 1 – Food Caloric Info-Graphic – A total of Fifty-Five (55) common foods were chosen to have their nutrient information displayed. These foods were selected from the Three (3) Macro Nutrient Food Groups PROTEINS CARBOHYDRATES and FATS. Each label will inform the reader about the amounts of each macro nutrient found in a particular food. For every 100grams, example 100grams of strawberries. For every unit, example 1 Biscuit.
  • Activity 2 –  The Healthy Eating Plate – suggests what one should be eating and in which portions in a typical week. The bigger the sector the more a person should be eating those types of food. As one may note alcohol is not included in the sectors, children should not drink alcohol and adults should limit it. As to water this should be included constantly with each and every meal or snack throughout the day.
  • Activity 3 – The Exercise Triangle – This is divided into 4 sectors. The bottom and biggest sector included basic movement activities which should be done everyday example; walking to school, walking your pet, using the stairs instead of the lift etc. The 3rd biggest sector includes aerobic exercise like long walks, swimming and bicycling.  This is followed by light sports , weight lifting and other leisure activities. Finally the sector which you should spend the least amount of time is being sedentary like sitting down playing console games or watching T.V. or using Facebook.
  • Activity 4-  The Sugar Chart – shows how much sugar each food or drink contains. Therefore the amount of sugar in a bag under a particular food/drink shows you how much sugar you are having when drinking the entire bottle or eating the food item.  For example: A bottle of water DOES NOT contain any sugar. Each small bottle of Sprite contains 52g sugar. A double chocolate muffin contains 26g sugar.


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