The following is the draft timetable for the MAY 2020 SEC examinations. The above information can be downloaded using the following link: TimeTableMay2020Draft For further information use this link
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The following is the draft timetable for the MAY 2020 SEC examinations. The above information can be downloaded using the following link: TimeTableMay2020Draft For further information use this link
Continue ReadingThe following is the school’s calendar of activities for the scholastic year 2019-2020: The calendar may be downloaded using the following link: Year Calendar 2019 2020
Continue ReadingThe following two attachments include important information that must be read before the start of the scholastic year. It is important that all students follow the school rules. School Attire 2019-2020 School Behaviour Policy 2019-2020 The above may be downloaded using the following links: school attire 2019 2020 School Behaviour Policy update 2019-2020 […]
Continue ReadingThe Ministry for Education and Employment is embarking on the ‘I Choose’ initiative for another year, targeting all 4th & 5th formers. This will be another opportunity whereby our students can explore further career options as they leave compulsory education. The ‘I Choose – Nagħżel il-Karriera Tiegħi’ event, will enable our students to make informed […]
Continue ReadingThe following leaflet is especially directed to those students, (and their parents/guardians), who will start attending our school as from September 2019. The above information may be downloaded using the following link: Mriehel-flyer-English-2019
Continue ReadingAs per previous years the Ministry for Education and Employment will be providing free school transport to all students attending State Schools. Applications for free school transport for students attending State Schools for the coming scholastic year 2019/2020 will open from Monday 27th May 2019 to Sunday 30th June 2019. All parents/legal guardians requiring the […]
Continue ReadingForm 5 students are to collect sample of School Leaving Certificate for correction by Tuesday 21st May. Any corrections are to reach the school by latest Monday 27th May. If corrections needed are not reported in time this will mean that certificates will be printed according to the sample and no corrections will be made […]
Continue ReadingOur Year 11 English Literature students have recently had the opportunity to conclude their studies on Shakespeare’s Macbeth in the most fitting way – by watching it come to life on stage! This was made possible by the Culture Pass scheme, that screened for free at Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta, a filmed, live performance by the […]
Continue ReadingTwo of our Year 10 classes have recently taken to Valletta’s Republic Street to carry out an English survey with tourists. This project requires students to work in a group, where they decide on a topic and formulate a related questionnaire to use in a survey with tourists. As an improvement over previous years, students were […]
Continue ReadingAs in previous years, our school’s Green Club members are involved in many mid-day break activities related to the upkeep of its West End Wildlife Garden, a green oasis that hosts numerous indigenous species of flora and fauna. This work includes weeding, pruning, planting, maintenance and other general upkeep tasks. This garden provides students and […]
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