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Erasmus+ Students Publish “Evolving Culinary Patterns”

This book shows how culinary patterns have evolved throughout the years in the Maltese and Austrian cuisine. It is divided into four sections. The first two sections focus on the history of food and kitchen utensils in Malta, whilst the other two focus on Maltese and Austrian traditional recipes. It identifies common and diverse patterns between the Maltese and Austrian culinary history.

Students working on the Book

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Megan Abdilla (Year  10.2) introduced the book as follows:

This book is part of the Erasmus+ project “Evolving Patterns of Diversity”. This project has enabled us students and teachers to work together and to build strong international and intercultural relationships.
The book is divided into four sections. The first part of the book narrates how some of the most common ingredients in the Maltese kitchen have found their place in the local diet and how they may have evolved from other countries through rule or invasion. The second section covers the history of Malta’s probably most sophisticated kitchen, dating back to the time of the Knights of St John. This is the kitchen at the Inquisitor’s Palace, situated in Birgu. It includes information about the elaborate kitchen tools used and how cooking developed into what it is today. The last two parts of the book focus on fifteen traditional Maltese and Austrian recipes. All recipes have been researched and prepared by the students involved during the second year of the project. For each recipe, information on its history, health benefits of various ingredients and healthier alternatives, have been included. We have also included QR codes to allow inquisitive readers to enjoy some extra information.
We hope you enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed the experience of working on such a project. This entrepreneurship journey means the world to us; it has helped us grow and has resulted in a lasting bond amongst us all. No matter how far apart we are and where life takes us, such an experience will last forever.

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