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The Ministry for Education and Employment is embarking on the ‘I Choose’ initiative
for another year, targeting all 4th & 5th formers. This will be another opportunity
whereby our students can explore further career options as they leave compulsory

The ‘I Choose – Nagħżel il-Karriera Tiegħi’ event, will enable our students to make
informed choices about their future. The event will include all post-secondary
educational institutions and entities under one roof. The students will also be offered
the opportunity to seek one-to-one guidance from the career guidance practitioners
who will be available throughout the event. The programme also includes the
possibility for both students and parents to attend different talks which will be
delivered by professionals in various related fields. The overall aim of this event is to
help students to overcome difficulties and doubts related to their future career paths.

The above information may be downloaded using the following link:

MEDE iChoose 2019 A4 fv

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